As much as the brutally honest truth can sting, this discomfort is nothing compared to the pain of being blindsided by the culmination of a negative workplace trend. People can feel dissatisfied and at work for a great number of reasons, and if this dissatisfaction persists, it will always transform into disengagement. Disengagement is what makes the wheels fall off of organizations: resulting in lower productivity, higher turnover and a company culture that makes everyone dread coming into work. This employee satisfaction survey has been designed to let your employees be brutally honest about the policies, practices or people that are causing them to be dissatisfied, and sharing it throughout your company will be an eye-opening experience.
How to Take the Brutally Honest Employee Satisfaction Survey
By answering these employee satisfaction survey questions in a brutally honest way, you can help your company change the things that aren’t working about work, before you and your most skilled colleagues become disengaged.Big Picture SatisfactionPlease be brutally honest as possible when answering these employee survey questions about the big picture of working at your company. Company Culture Strengths
- What about your company’s culture makes you excited to come to work?
- What are some of the workplace policies that reflect the strengths of your company’s culture?
- Who are some of the people that make your company’s culture fun and unique and how are they doing this?
- What are some of the positive differences between your company’s culture and the culture of companies you’ve worked for in the past?
Company Culture Weaknesses
- What about your company’s culture makes you dread coming to work?
- What are some of the workplace policies that reflect the weaknesses of your company’s culture?
- Who are some of the people who make your company’s culture unpleasant or uninspiring and how are they doing this?
- What are some of the negative differences between your company’s culture and the culture of companies you’ve worked for in the past?
Company Leadership Strengths
- How do your company’s leaders positively impact your company’s culture?
- Who are the friendliest and/or most inspiring leaders at your company and why do you like working for them?
- What are some of the actions taken by leaders that made you feel like they cared about their employees or had your back?
Company Leadership Weaknesses
- How do your company’s leaders negatively impact your company’s culture?
- Who are the least friendly and least inspiring leaders at your company and why don’t you like working for them?
- What are some of the actions taken by leaders that made you feel like they didn't care about their employees or didn’t have your back?
If I had to be Brutally Honest...If I had to be brutally honest about my company’s culture, here are the top 3 things that are off or just plain wrong with our culture:1.2.3.If I had to be brutally honest about my company’s leaders, here are the top 3 things that are off or just plain wrong about the way that leaders are running this company:1.2.3.Team Satisfaction Please be brutally honest as possible when answering these employee survey questions about the team you work with. Team Culture Strengths
- How would you sum up the culture of your team and what about this culture helps your team members to work well together and enjoy each other's company while working?
- What are some of examples of moments or periods of time that reflect what is strong about your team’s cultural dynamic?
- Who are some of the team members who help make your team’s culture strong and how are they doing this?
Team Culture Weaknesses
- How would you sum up the parts of your team’s culture that can make it difficult to work well together or make you not enjoy their company?
- What are some of examples of moments or periods of time that reflect what is weak about your team’s cultural dynamic?
- Who are some of the team members who bring out the weaknesses of your team’s culture and how are they doing this?
Team Performance Strengths
- What is an example of a situation that demonstrates the performance and competency strengths of the team you work with?
- What is an example of a project that brought your team closer together?
Team Performance Weaknesses
- What is an example of a situation that demonstrates the performance and competency weaknesses of the team you work with?
- What is an example of a project that pushed members of your team further apart?
If I Had to Be Brutally Honest...If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 things that make my team’s culture unpleasant to be a part of:1.2.3.If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 competency or performance weak spots of the team that I work with:1.2.3.Direct Manager SatisfactionPlease be brutally honest as possible when answering these employee survey questions about your direct manager.Management Style Strengths
- How does your manager help you to grow your skills and develop in your career?
- What was a situation where your manager’s management style achieved great results for you or a team member?
- What are your manager’s strengths when it comes to listening and communication?
- How does your manager's management style positively contribute to your team’s cultural dynamic and daily working life?
Management Style Weaknesses
- How does your manager hold you back from growing in your skills or developing in your career?
- What was a situation where your manager’s management style got terrible results for you or a team member?
- What are your manager’s weaknesses when it comes to listening and communication?
- Are there any ways in which your manager’s management style detracts from your or your team’s ability to work, cooperate or communicate?
Manager Leadership Strengths
- What is a quality that you find to be admirable or inspirational about your direct manager?
- What is a situation in which your direct manager helped to hold your team together and overcome an obstacle or challenge?
- What makes an ideal manager, and how does your manager resemble this ideal?
Manager Leadership Weaknesses
- What is a quality that you find to be difficult, discouraging or downright weak about your manager?
- What was a situation in which your direct manager let you, a team member or your entire team down?
- What makes an ideal manager, and how does your manager fail to live up to this ideal?
Manager Competency Strengths
- What are some of the strongest technical skills that your manager possesses?
- How has your manager used their expertise in a technical skill to help you, a team member or your team?
Manager Competency Weaknesses
- What are some of the technical skills that your direct manager should improve?
- What was a situation where you felt more qualified than your direct manager to solve a problem they “should” have been able to solve?
If I had to be Brutally Honest...If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 aspects of my manager's management style that make them hard to work with or make them a less-than-perfect manager:1.2.3.If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 ways in which my manager can be lacking as an effective leader:1.2.3.If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 ways in which my manager’s skills are lacking:1.2.3.Job SatisfactionPlease be brutally honest as possible when answering these employee survey questions about your satisfaction with your job and the work you do. Workflow Strengths
- What are some of the most efficient aspects of the workflow of your job?
- Who helps the workflow of your job to be as smooth and efficient as possible and how do they do this?
Workflow Weaknesses
- What are some of the most inefficient aspects of the workflow of your job?
- Who causes the workflow of your job to be delayed or more difficult than it has to be and how do they do this?
Workload Strengths
- What was a project or period of time that demonstrated a balanced, manageable workload?
- What are some of the ways that your workload, the way work is assigned or the way it is required to be done that help support a healthy work/life balance?
Workload Weaknesses
- What was a project or period of time that demonstrated an unbalanced or unrealistic workload?
- What are some of the ways that your workload, the way work is assigned or the way it is required to be done that do not support a healthy work/life balance?
If I Had to be Brutally Honest...If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 ways that the workflow of my job makes my work harder and/or take longer to complete:1.2.3.If I had to be brutally honest, these are the top 3 ways that my workload or the way that this load is distributed makes my job harder than it needs to be:1.2.3.