Most likely, you want your team members to like you. That's a natural feeling to have. However, many managers, especially new ones, find it difficult to balance respect and likability. And because millennial managers are typically around the same age as their team members, this can also alter the boundaries between them.With blurred lines between "work" and "life," you can be at happy hour with your team one day, and then lead a very serious discussion with them the next day. If you have the wrong balance of being "social" and a "manager," you can hurt your team's dynamics.So, the key is to set boundaries with all of your employees. Be clear about the line that divides your roles outside of the office and your responsibilities as a leader.
Pro-tip“Common mistakes new managers make are to try to be everyone’s friend, or conversely, come on too strong and exert their newfound authority without too much thought or discrimination, Either will get you into trouble.” - Victor Lipman, Leadership Expert & author of The Type B Manager.
Source: Our new e-book Your First 50 Days, available for download! [button link="" size="large" text_size="beta" newtab="on"]Get Your Free Copy![/button]