AI Driven Insights

AI Driven Insights

Harness the power of AI

Summarize comments, flag issues, analyze sentiment, and enhance feedback processing

What you'll get

Effortlessly extract valuable insights from extensive comments, proactively address urgent or inappropriate feedback, and gauge employee satisfaction through sentiment analysis

Summarize large volumes of comments

Summarize large volumes of comments

Quickly extract key insights from a large volume of comments.

Flag inappropriate or urgent comments

Flag inappropriate or urgent comments

Automatically identify and address urgent or inappropriate feedback.

Detect comment sentiments

Detect comment sentiments

Analyze comment sentiment to gauge employee satisfaction and sentiment.

Smart channels

Reaching employees their way

Communicate with teams anonymously wherever they are working from, in any language


Engage your teams onsite


Send messages directly to their mobile devices, no app download needed


Connect through MS Teams, Slack or email


Integrate with your company’s communication software


The standard way is often the best way. Simple emails sent to your collaborators.

Anonymity & Privacy

Employee feedback is precious. We will protect it.

Butterfly is a third-party application that ensures employee anonymity. Feedback and responses remain completely confidential, allowing employees to express themselves freely without revealing their identity.

Find out more
Butterfly is all about data

Real insights lead to real results

Butterfly delivers actionable insights and engagement tools to reduce turnover, increase productivity and improve employee well-being


decrease in worker turnover


increase in work productivity


reduction in safety incidents
